When the world shut down and all events stopped, no one truly knew
what was going to happen. Everyone and anyone involved in the events community had to figure out what was next. Some companies were able
to adapt and make the switch to virtual quickly and soon the virtual
world of events exploded. Virtual platforms, technology, entertainment
- anything you can think of - were up and running to help keep you and
your co-workers, peers, and customers connected.
As an industry, we met the challenge and exceeded all expectations.
It's time to do it again!
How do we get back to in-person events, but meet all the new
challenges the current regulations demand and navigate our audience's
concerns and hesitations about coming together in-person again?
What questions need to be asked of the venue?
Do you have 'old' contracts on hold with venues from last year?
What new checklists need to be created?
New protocols and procedures?
What's your company's liability?
What are the additional costs for your budget?

G2 Marketing & Events can guide you through planning an in-person
or hybrid event in this new post-pandemic environment.
Our Event Specialists can help you:
negotiate existing or future venue contracts
properly prepare for an in-person event according to safety guidelines and supply you with appropriate PPE
create a budget
design an event that's engaging, interactive yet safe